Monday, November 13, 2006

Random thoughts, Part 3

1. Snot is every bit as bad as I remember it.
2. The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration would have a field day here.
3. If you think the station identifiers on your TV are obnoxious, you should see them here. They are larger, not see through, and generally move and change. I have seen one large one rapidly and dramatically change its appearance every second or so. I just watched another bounce across the TV screen like your marquee setting on your screen saver (you know, when you have words bounce to the edge of the screen and then all around.
4. Friends are important when you are at home and more so when you are on the road.
5. I often find myself lowering my voice when talking about Christ at home. Not right, but it happens. I am trying to avoid commiting what seems like shame or worry. It is entirely different to have to look around you before you talk about Christ due to concerns about my own welfare as well as that of the person I am talking to.
6. Talking to a shop owner and his wife about how both Maren and I drive and have cars when neither of them can do either in large part due to cost, drives home just how rich we are compared to most others in the world.
7. I can't decide if I feel like a slug for bargaining or if I am OK with it because that is the way around here.
8. It is cool to think I have made a friend half way around the world.
9. The place that served me up a plate of juicy chicken knuckles serves up a mean cashew chicken...but it is not for the timid in terms of spice. The waitress was impressed with my consumption.
10. A James Bond Marathon sounds cool until the dumb thing runs for two straight weeks on about the only English channel we receive.
11. James Bond's gadgets are still cool no matter how many movies of his you see in a short period of time.
12. Gee, I am starting to understand better why our trip ended up happening the way it has.
13. It is bizarre to see 10 different brides in rented gowns getting their pictures taken outside day after day.
14. CNN reported a day or two ago that McDonalds is looking to China to supply their restaurants. If that includes the beef, Mickey D's will go bankrupt in America. I don't know what it is exactly but it sure is different.
15. There are 600 McDonalds in China. I think 124 of them are within walking distance of our hotel.
16. Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time (Stephen Wright).
17. I spent a lot of time wondering why I volutarily was going back to diapers.
18. Not me Lee, my kid!
19. I still can't stand the diaper thing.
20. It is already definitely worth it.

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