Monday, November 06, 2006

Random thoughts, part 2

Too many challenging posts. I need some levity. So, part two of Random Thoughts:

1. Seventy-five to eighty degrees in November rocks!
2. We have had some challeging experiences during this process, but I would take those any day over losing my job as did Bob and Bob. You guys are amazing.
3. Did I mention, "Get off the island"?
4. I get sore just looking at some of my kids sleeping positions.
5. It is much harder, aye impossible, to bargain with someone with whom you have made friends.
6. It is one thing to read about the "one child policy" and another to talk to a father under its demands.
7. America does not have the same sense of community as does China. America is worse off for it.
8. Veins are good in my body. Veins are bad in my food. Way gross!
9. Real feathers used on shuttlecocks are far superior than the cheap plastic we use.
10. When in Rome, take a pocket calculator.
11. Being able to scratch an itch on the other side of a guy's head on a motorbike while I am in a cab would generally suggest that we are too close. Here, it only means we have good elbow room.
12. There's no place like home.
13. Paint used for lane markings here is a waste of good paint.
14. We should all be homesick for heaven.
15. Airlines that will only send reconfigured tickets to your HOME address while you are half a world away should not be in business.
16. That airline is just plain stupid.
17. "Stupid" is another word we used to use pre-PC days.
18. I hope that airline stays in business long enough for me to get home!!
19. American Chinese food is disgusting. Chinese Chinese food is quite good.
20. Though as Maren pointed out, a big piece of chocolate cake would sure be good right now.
21. Chinese American food is very disgusting.
22. I will probably still try a pizza while I am here.
23. The thought of being here 12 more days is not very pleasant.
24. Does anybody know what time of day it is?
25. Does anybody really care?
26. I am a nightowl when I am at home or when I am 12 hours around the other side of the world.
27. Why are nightowls called nightowls? Are there any such things as morningowls?
28. Sidewalks here are misnamed. They should be called "siderides". They really are just an extension of the road.
29. I think cabbies drive down the middle of two lanes because they might just happen to want to use the other space, eventually.

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