Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's official!

Well, today's paperwork finalized the adoption--he is ours now. The people handling the paperwork asked us all kinds of questions including what his Chinese name is. We each pronounced it for them. One lady commented that my Mandarin was very good. I laughed, thanked her, then told her it didn't really matter since he only understood Cantonese. I asked how to say his name in Cantonese, and she said some amazing string of syllables. She assured me it was very hard. That answers why he doesn't answer when we call him ZuBin. We are just going with Elijah since we do not know his Cantonese name.

Here's something amazing: he has been in the same diaper since this morning! He seemed to indicate something to me, then he pooped in his diaper. When we returned from the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Office, we placed him on the toilet, which he used once he calmed down! He has gone 4 more times after that! We are truly amazed. We'll see how he does tonight. Maybe we won't need that case of diapers after all.

He is already starting to repeat some words in English. He is interacting more and starting to play. He can "Give 5." He very much still prefers Greg. The kids are dying to play with him more, but he is still very clingy and not feeling safe enought to get down very often.

We have looked at him a little more and maybe the meatus is higher than we thought. Just thought we'd toss that out there, as we really have very little clue what we are talking about.

It has been a very long, stressful day with a fussy, scared toddler and all kinds of official appointments. Tomorrow we will pick up his notary book that documents the adoption, then we go to apply for his passport. It takes 5 business days to receive the passport, then we will go to the US Consulate to apply for his visa and get sworn in for something, I'm not sure what. Then we can come home. Somewhere in there we have a medical exam. Everything I have heard about the medical exam is that it is fast and basically gives you a height and weight.

I am going to go back now and add in some photos. More tomorrow.

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