Sunday, November 12, 2006

In defense of myself!

OK, I have taken some friendly harranging for my post about "chicken soft bones". The messages have basically been to the tune of "You dork. What did you expect when you ordered something called "chicken soft bones. When you order bones, you get bones!" Well, in defense of myself, that doesn't exactly work in translation. I fully thought that what they meant to say was "boneless chicken" know, something like "soft on bones". It even crossed my mind that what they meant was "chicken with bones in it". It never ever crossed my mind that I would literally be served a plate of chicken knuckles. The closest thing resembling meat on these things was a few generous pieces that had some cartilage still attached. I gnawed on about 12 of them to suck whatever precious juices out of them I could and then gave up the task as very much not worth the effort. Besides, my ability to ignore the fact that I was siphoning joint juice began to give way. That is when I concentrated on eating my dinner of onions. Let me put it to you another way. When I saw a sign advertising "Died Coke", I didn't think they would serve up some R.I.P. Coke or that it was only for the deceased. When they said they were spraying "Mosquito Medicament", I didn't figure they were trying to make the poor ailing mosquitos feel better. So, laugh all you want. Anyone can eat a tasty chicken leg, but how many of you have dined on succulent "Joints of Fowl"?

As an off-topic but humorous note...On our way home from McDonalds today, we crossed a crosswalk of a one-way, single lane street. We clearly had the green walk signal, and traffic was clearly stopped. As we got to the other side and began walking up the sidewalk, we had to...get this...get out of the way of 3 motorbikes as they jumped the curb, drove up the sidewalk, and ran the red light. As I looked back, a traveling companion asked if I had given them a dirty look. I chuckled and said, "No, I was just looking back to see that it was indeed a red light and that we are, in fact, on the sidewalk!"

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