Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In Perspective

When I read about the Jewish nation in the history provided in the Bible, I often marvel at their ability to witness some great and amazing thing only to forget their first love at the first sign of trouble. I often totally miss the fact that I do this regularly and with much less than an army hot on my tracks to make me sway. A good friend wrote to me today and reflected that I seemed to be discouraged. He then provided excellent guidance and encouragment that dovetailed really well into my quiet time I had just prior to really reading his message diligently. The sad thing is, he was right. I had been discouraged. I don't have an army bearing down on me. I am not being persecuted. I have family and friends that love me tremendously and offer all kinds of support, and yet I am easily brought down from my mountaintop. How sad.

At the same time, it is another time for me to learn and apply and become more like Christ. He kept his eyes firmly on the goal. He led with total authority. He also loved with his whole life. There are concerns I have regarding our son and more immediately regarding the trip. However, my perspective has been realigned through the power of Christ using two brothers in Christ. I was reminded to keep my eyes on the prize. To lead. To persevere. There are things I must do, and there are things I must trust God to do. I have also been blessed by Ken W's email list of prayer concerns. While it is true that we are on it and know that many are praying for us, the list is a regular reminder that there are others in the body of Christ experiencing REAL problems. Long problems. Heart wrenching problems. I can see all sorts of ways some of our issues will be able to be addressed. Simply seeing solutions and a number of them at that is tremendously hope-inducing. There are others that cannot fathom any way at all short of a miracle that things will improve. Our family is together and literally just grew today. There are families that have been ripped apart by death, divorce, separation, and more.

Maren suggested I read Psalm 68 this morning. In it I found verse 3: But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God, may they be happy and joyful. This then reminds me of James where we are told to rejoice in our sufferings. The Lord is in the process of building character and hope within me. There are times when I need refined by the fire. I am not even going through the fire, rather there is just some burnishing going on. May those of you going through the fire remember that you are being refined like much pure gold.

Thank you brothers and sisters for taking the time to pray and encourage. It would be easy to let it go, but know that you are instruments of the Lord.

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