Friday, April 01, 2011

From Poverty to Palace

I had one of the most awesome revelations tonight. Sneha woke up today in poverty with no family. She goes to bed tonight with a family in a palace fit for a king.

We are staying at a place called Jayamahal Palace. I highly recommend it if you come to Bangalore. The price is good. The food is good. The service is fantastic, and the place is absolutely beautiful. It was built over 100 years ago for royalty. Tonight, it is the resting place for a former orphan. Several former orphans, in fact.

There was a time when I too was in poverty, though mine was a spiritual poverty. Though I have multiple parents, I was separated from my creator and the one who offers me a perfect love. This creator went through many more obstacles to adopt me than we did for Sneha. He brought me into His heavenly family. One day, I will leave the poverty of this life and will rest in a palace fit for a King. A palace for The King of Kings. And for me.


1 comment:

the ewings said...

What an awesome picture of both adoptions! Truly awesome! Thanks for the reminder!