Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hmmm, what to say shortly before my last night as a father of three?
What to think on this last night?

I don't know if it is this infernal jet lag that I cannot shake, trepidation, serenity or what, but my mind is staggeringly empty on this evening.

I really don't know what to think.

I can't wait to meet her. I can't wait to be with her. I can't wait to hug her. I hope she allows it but completely understand if she won't.


brianmease said...

Hey Greg,
I've been thinking about you guys all week. We've been following the blog. By the way - I think you have an untapped writing gift :-). I was pumped to read today's post. What a beautiful picture of God embracing us. Some of us come hop-skipping into His arms. Some of us fight and cry our way there. Regardless - he embraces us. Thanks for being a picture of His adopting love. I heard the news that you guys ran into some complications. I know that must have been a major frustration point, particularly for you. Just keep letting the Spirit remind you that every step is worth it. And, every step has something God wants to use to shape you into His image.

Praying you through,
Brian Mease

Charisa said...

Seriously stalking your blog :) So anxious to hear how your first day together went. Praying for a good night's sleep for you all. Been praying for a sweet time getting to know each other.