Wednesday, December 08, 2010

It's Easy to be an Optimist if it's Somebody Else's Life

The title kind of sounds like a Bluegrass song, doesn't it? I will probably lose sleep tonight coming up with the lyrics for it. I already have a bit done. What do you think so far?

Ohhh, it's easy to be an optimist when it's somebody else's life.
No need to sweat or hope or pray when it's somebody else's life.
"No worries sir, no worries ma'am, no way you will be late.
You will be there and back again by the end of the critical date.
There is no need to feel the angst, the kind that you call strife."
Ohhh, it's easy to be an optimist when it's---some---body---else's---liiiife.

Oh yeah, gonna lose some sleep tonight. Anyway, we got some encouraging news from our social worker in Eugene. He has been to India more than 50 times and knows the people and procedures there very well. He believes strongly that we will be leaving and back home again within the month of January 2011. This is quite critical because our fingerprints expire February 2nd, 2011. (Must...restrain...from complaining about FINGERPRINTS yet...again............beeeee strong....errgggh...pant pant pant....). Anyway, if we cannot get back into the states before February 2nd, well, honestly I don't know what will happen. But I am sure it is bad. Trying to redo the federal fingerprints is also a pain in the backside because it would necessitate a homestudy update. We stink at paperwork. So, we are really hoping the India traveler optimist is correct about our travel timing. But, you know, it is easy to be an optimist when it is somebody else's life.


Natalie said...

January! Yeah!! So good to hear, praying for you.

Amy said...

Woah!!! That is GREAT news!! It sounds like we will both be traveling in January!!

Amy said...

Ha!! I just reread your song lyrics and I do think you all need to sing this at the Hope concert this weekend!!!