Friday, December 10, 2010

He can still pound salt

After I wrote yesterday's posting in which I made reference to Satan pounding salt to express my frustration that we are experiencing another delay and additional cost, I spent a good part of the day unsettled about the comment. It feels like a Holy Spirit type of unsettling. I suspect what this means is that this delay and the additional work actually aren't the result of Satan's attempts to throw obstacles in our way, but may very well be the result of God placing or allowing these things to occur now and at this part of the process. I have been experiencing a great sense of peace when thinking about it this way which further adds credibility that I shouldn't view this negatively. Perhaps we will never know the reason for the delay and extra work. That is OK. It is OK that we have to go through it as well. The pure frustration from last night has switched noticeably to a sense of contentment today. I can dig that.

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