Monday, October 04, 2010

If I were Mark Twain...

Mark Twain supposedly once said, ""When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times." Well, in the spirit of Mark Twain and completely tongue-in-cheek, I say "If I ever find out I am going to die in a certain number of days, I am going to take a job with the court because then I can just keep delaying the date of my death."

Well, unfortunately the court in India has yet again delayed the hearing for our daughter's court date. What was supposed to have occurred today is now set for October 22. If you are keeping track, that is now the forth delay for the same court date. This is only the second court date, and we have been told to expect 3-5 appearances in court. What looked in January 2010 to be completed by perhaps the summer of 2010 now has the potential go many more months.

I just can't help but wonder what the rest of the world would look like if we all operated our lives and businesses the way the government runs theirs.

Thankfully, the God who sings over me also sings over her. We love you "S" and will be there to get you as soon as we can.


dee dee said...

Even if we don't know the plans He has for, it is nice to know that He does have plans! He has plans not to harm us... but to grow us.
Dee Dee

Michele said...

Sometimes, I honestly think God calls us to adopt just to refine us, the adoptive parents. I have felt the same way about the wait since we found our daughter in Taiwan 10 months ago. She's waiting there and we are waiting here. What is taking so long? However, as the parent of a swimmer, I am going to spend the last day of my life at a swim meet... because they last FOREVER.