Monday, December 28, 2009

Who knew?

To say the least, I am surprised that NOT being Indian decreased dramatically our wait for a referral. Decreased it by 12-18 months to be precise. India has a very strict pattern for how people are able to adopt from their country. First priority goes to Resident Indians (those living in country). Next priority goes to Non-Resident Indians (those who are citizens but live outside of the country). Third, and least prioritized are those who are not Indian. That last group would be us. Pretty obvious, huh. Who ever heard of pasty-white Indians? Not me either. Anyway, all indications were that we were going to be waiting a very long time. To get a referral now was mind-boggling. Maren got a chance to talk to one of the workers in Portland and was able to ask about this. It turns out that we are the only non-Indian family on their wait list, and the only family willing to take a child as old as the one we are now pursuing (3 years, 2 months old). Thus, the massive jump up the wait list. Huh, who'da thunk it?

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