Friday, March 06, 2009

More government fun

We are in the process of readopting Elijah in the United States. He has always been officially and legally ours, but by readopting him here, he will be able to have a United States birth certificate created for him. Then in the future, getting a new original will be a piece of cake compared to trying to track down his original in China.

Maren diligently completed a 21 page form last night so that we could take it to the Probate Court today to get our hearing scheduled. We were almost turned away because an address area was left blank. Maren offered to write it in, but was denied because it needed to be typed. Yep. A trip to another city was almost wasted because they were not going to let her handwrite in an address. It had to be typed. Even now, I am not quite sure I understand why the woman relented and set us up for a pre-court hearing. And, she didn't even have the address added at all. If government were a private business, it would have gone under long ago. But the good news is that government just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and lately it is getting bigger by leaps and bounds. What a good good thing for our country.

1 comment:

Lori's Light Extemporanea said...

Yikes...I don't remember filling out a 21-page document for either of the twins when we readopted.