Thursday, November 13, 2008

Marvin K. Mooney

Greg here:
One of my favorite children's books that was read to me many times was "Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now". The opening of the book goes like this: The time has come. The time is now. Just go, GO! The book goes on from there to describe how some unseen Dr. Suess character orders another character to go. The book never says exactly where Marvin is supposed to go, but presumably he figures it out at some point in the story. We can assume this because the book finishes up with: I said GO and GO I meant. The time had come, SO...Marvin WENT.

Ok, lest you think I am drawing my marching orders from a children's book, rest assured that I am listening to someone so much more intelligent. However, there is much about this story that rings true for our family at this point in our lives.

Most of you know that we have already adopted a little boy to add to our two natural children. This blog was originally started to chronicle that story. Well, while that story is many chapters from being completed, a sequel has been started. Just a few weeks ago, within about 24 hours, Maren and I both suddenly became certain that God was again calling us to adopt and that now was the time to begin moving forward. So, like Marvin in the story, we are going. Also similar to the story, we don't yet have a concise idea of where we are going, but we are confident we will receive our particular marching orders soon. When the end of our story is written and someone looks back and learns that we were told to "GO", I also want the end of our story to read, "So, they went".

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