Saturday, October 28, 2006

Planes, Trains, and Autobuses (and a Boat!)

We had a great day today. We got up this morning at 7. The kids thought it was funny that all of their friends would be going to bed soon. My dad took them swimming, then we headed to breakfast. We ate at a western restaurant and had scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and hash browns. We then did a little shopping in a Chinese grocery store. It was amazing to see how many familiar foods they carried. We needed to buy bottled water since we can't drink the water here.

We then caught the shuttle to go to the Star Ferry that would take us to Hong Kong. We are actually staying in Kowloon, a penisula that is across Victoria Bay from Hong Kong. We had great fun on the ferry--a first class ticket on the top deck was only $2.20HK. Divide by 7 for the American amount. Hong Kong is an amazingly busy city, with a big green hill in the middle with almost nothing on it. We took the tram to the top of the hill called Victoria Peak. The view was amazing. There was a 7 story mall with an overlook on the roof. Hong Kong has more sky scrapers than you can imagine. It seems that the entire perimeter of the island is surrounded with sky scrapers. We then rode on the top of a double decker bus through the city to get back to the ferry.

We ate dinner back at the restaurant we ate at last night. Justin had his same bowl of beef and noodles. Kailey very happily ate sauteed chicken and soy sauce. Greg ate, get this, chicken and tofu. There was a little misunderstanding when reading the menu and communicating with the waiter. He actually enjoyed my spicy chicken, though. Kailey has discovered that she really likes duck.

All in all, a good day. Tomorrow we will take the train to Guangzhou. A new chapter in our adventure.

Please continue to pray for us as we wait for our dates. We won't hear anything until Monday. Such a hard time to wait when you don't know when you will get to leave for home. We continue to trust Him, though.

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