Sunday, October 29, 2006

Humanity: Experiential and theoretical

Greg here for my first post.
The trip for me has been physically more difficult than for the others. I woke up the morning we were to fly out with a sinus infection. Egads! I haven't had one of those for more than a year. The pressure changes as we took off and landed over and over again wrecked havoc on my sinus problems. One benefit was that the pressure actually seemed to have the effect of blasting out the infection. I basically was blowing my nose and wiping my eyes out the entire trip as both just ran and ran and ran. The down side to all of this is that that it seems fluid got pushed into my inner ear and triggered vertigo. I have been dealing with this off and on since we arrived. It is unsettling, but my spirits are good. I was totally unable to sleep on the plane. I ended up getting only about 3 hours of sleep in the previous 48. That is a large part as to why I have not yet posted. As that crazy dude on Night Court used to say, "But I am feeling muuuuuch better now!"

The mass of humanity is simply unbelievable. There is just no way to describe it. I have never seen so many people. I mean to tell you, people and extremely large buildings just go on and on and on. At the same time, we have witnessed tiny little ramshackle shantys that are barely standing. I pointed out to Kailey that we live on a 1/2 acre lot in a big house and entire familys are living in such impoverished places.

I am also gaining a new perspective on possible thought processes of minorities. You see we got on a plane and after a few hours we were suddenly a minority. But here is the thing. I don't feel like a minority. As I look around, I just see the beautiful tapestry of people created by God. But, I am a minority here. During my quiet time this morning, I reflected on how minorities in the states do not feel any different. They look out of eyes and see other people...just people. However, their experiences by others often communicate that there is something wrong with them just because of how they look. This is just not right. I know this is real basic stuff for all of our friends who find themselves in the minority in the States, but it is a new experience for me.

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