Monday, January 10, 2011

Visas and fingerprints

We got word today that the Indian consulate in New York has accepted our request to go to their country and awarded each of us a visa valid for the next six months. This is quite good news. We were somewhat concerned that Elijah's passport might cause a bit of an issue simply due to the fact that he was not born in this country. We had taken steps to secure an Ohio birth certificate for him as well as a United States passport. These things seem to have made his visa process the same as ours.

Additionally, we have gotten word that our next fingerprint appointment is scheduled for February 2...the same day our last prints expire. We aren't sure what that means. We are sure that it means we have no shot at traveling prior to February 2. We don't know if we could travel the next day if needed or if we will have to wait until something comes back from USCIS. Obviously we are hoping that we can travel without waiting for paperwork to be returned.

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