1. He loves to suck his thumb. He does it when he is sleepy or stressed.
2. He was made to have a blankie. He wads it up to hold it, strokes it, snuggles with it, loves it.
3. He is ticklish almost everywhere.
4. His whole face lights up when he smiles.
5. His belly laugh is wonderful to hear.
6. We have a better understanding of why he was banged up when he came to us. He has no fear and moves fast.

7. He is healing nicely. Most of his scabs are gone and are not being replaced. He is cleaner, softer, and looking better each day.
8. He does not seem to experience pain. We have seen him wacked upside the head with a plastic toy 3 times with no reaction. He jumped from standing off the bed and landed on his bottom and just got up and walked on.
9. He throws himself bodily into space without care as to where he might land. We have seen him jump off park benches. (Fortunately Daddy was standing there to catch him!) He will also be standing there and just drop to the ground.

11. He now weighs 24 lbs and is almost 32 inches tall.
12. He is coming alive more each day. He is also starting to be more flexible in who can hold him. I got to hold him yesterday without him crying, he also kissed me.
13. He shares very well with others. He got hit in the head with a toy yesterday, then went right back to share with that child. He also understands the concept of trading. Look out in the toddler room, though, he knows how to defend his space if needed.

14. We will need to child proof when we get home, that is for sure. He is becoming more and more inquisitive and loves things with buttons!
15. His coos are adorable; his cries are pathetic.

16. He wakes up like bear, but give him five minutes, then he is a sweet as honey.
17. He will taste darn near anything, but knows what he likes. Ice cream is high on his list. That's my boy!
18. He clearly says words, we just do not understand him. That must be very frustrating for him.
19. While I wouldn't go so far as to actually call him potty trained, he is certainly well on the way. We'll take that!
20. He is smart, energetic, strong-willed, loving, and is the perfect addition to our family.

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