Thursday, March 31, 2011

Packing and Traveling Tips

I know several people who are following our adventures and are themselves in preparation for traveling to India themselves, so I thought I would share what I have found to be helpful on this trip so far.

1. Wash and wear hair that can be tied back. There are no hair dryers here and it is hot.
2. Never, never drink the water. There is also never an excuse to have the seal on your water bottle broken. Do not let anyone open your water bottle for you. Check each one for an original factory seal.
3. Cover your bathroom faucet with a hand towel so that you do not accidentally rinse your toothbrush in the water and end up with Delhi Belly.
4. Bring snack bags of crackers and cookies. There are just times you are between meals or food is not available and you need a mess-free snack.
5. Lightweight, high tech clothes that can be washed in the tub with FelzNaptha and hung to dry within 24 hours.
6. Wearing jeans and a black tee shirt to travel in helps you to blend in and not be identified as Americans. Dressed like this, my father was asked for directions in Amsterdam a few years ago.
7. Supplements we are taking daily: Esberitox (supercharged Echinachea) and Nature's Way Primadophilus Bifidus (probiotics) to boost our immune systems and protect us from Delhi Belly. Elijah is also taking chewable fish oil and his multi vitamin, but that is more for behavioral reasons.
8. Antibacterial hand and face wipes and hand sanitizer. These let us clean tables and chair arms, clean up small faces, and sanitize our hands after we wash them. We have also used the wipes to clean the outside of peelable fruits before we ate them. We SOOOOOOOO do not want to get sick.
9. Sweetly refuse all offers of non-bottled water. We have found the excuse of, "Thank you, but I have a weak stomach," and then immediately pulling out your own bottle of water to be helpful.


the ewings said...

What great accounts of your time. I'm so glad you were able to go to the orphanages and the possible found spots. Priceless information! Praying for your future days!

Deb said...

Thank you Maren! Is bottled water readily available for purchase there?