Monday, March 02, 2009

Starting Over Again

We did the homestudy thing once for Elijah. Then, we started over on a new homestudy for our next child only to have to fire that agency. Now, we get to start over again. We received our homestudy packet from our new agency today. Maren has already gotten a leaping start on it. Pretty impressive actually. Several of our friends who have adopted have husbands who say something like, "My wife was amazing. She did everything and did it quickly." I must admit that the selfish side of me would love to be able to say that, but honestly, I do not want her to have to complete all of the work. I am interested in getting it done as quickly as possible, but my reasons are perhaps a bit different than many adopting folks. I am interested in bringing our daughter home, and I know the paperwork is part of the process to accomplish that, but basically, I can't stand it all. It is just so much, and I get tired of it.

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