Wednesday, April 06, 2011


We passed the important test today. We returned to the medical center to pick up her medical report that we would need for the consulate. When we arrived, we learned that she would have to have yet another chest x-ray (this makes three in the past two weeks). They were very efficient and got us out of there quite quickly. We met again with the same doctor and learned that he came in early to meet with us today since that second x-ray was needed. He is such a gentle compassionate man. We were thankful to have him as her doctor however briefly he served in that capacity. From there, we went to the consulate to get her visa processed. It went off without a hitch. She was given a visa with no special waiver needed. We still plan to consult with a pulmonary specialist once we arrive back in the states, but at least she is allowed to come in the original time frame.

Upon return to the hotel, we found that Kailey and Justin had not really moved from their beds nor did they have the energy to do so. Carl also was in bed again feeling pretty miserable. The short nap seemed to rally him and he and I went out doing some more roaming of the town. We took a driver to a handicraft area. The goods there were expensive but of great quality. It was very good craftsmanship. We were in one shop that was filled with all sorts of handmade gods. Honestly, it was a modern day setting of what the apostle Paul experienced so many years ago. The owner was trying to sell me a particular elephant and at first insisted that elephants would make me lucky. He must have seen the smirk on my face because then he insisted "Elephant is love". I happen to think love comes from a different source. Carl later told the man that we are followers of Jesus. And, as you might suspect, he very quickly produced a crucifix.

On the way home, Carl asked our driver to stop at a place to buy batteries. I happened to notice a small pastry shop a few doors down. I jumped out of the car and ran in to see what might look good (and edible). My eyes quickly fell on the deepest, darkest chocolate cake I have ever seen. I may get all kinds of sick eating it, but as today is my birthday, and it was the first worthwhile (hopefully) source of chocolate I have seen, I had to get it. I haven't eaten it yet, and it may turn into five bucks and two days on the pot, but it looks awfully good!

The most special part of today, and the best birthday present I could get, is that at one point today, Sneha threw her arms around my neck, gave me a big squeeze, and whispered "I love you daddy" into my ear! It was completely unprovoked, and I had not initiated such an event in any way. Needless to say, I was thrilled. It was also pretty cool because last night she gave us her first real test of our dedication to her. She spent close to two hours at bedtime doing her level best to resist any direction given to her. We won that battle, but I wasn't sure how she was going to react today. There has been no negative repercussions at all.

We have found a Pizza Hut that will deliver here. Who knows what it will taste like, but that will be my birthday dinner tonight. Not everyone in my party agrees, but at this point, bad American food is much more appealing to me than good Indian food. We have some missionaries from our church that have been in Bolivia for more than a year. The food situation has given me a greater appreciation for what they are doing.

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