Dear family and friends,
You can play a part in bringing our daughter home. As with our son, we have created necklaces we would like to sell as a fundraiser to help in this process. Each necklace was completely designed by Maren and Greg and made by Maren's hand. We would be humbled if you would consider helping us to reach our goal.
We would like to sell the brown and red necklaces for $30 each and the grey necklace for $15 each. We are happy to ship it to you anywhere you might want it sent, however, we would like to be so bold as to ask that we be able to add the cost of the shipping to your order. We know the cost is higher that you would expect to pay in a store, but we ask that you remember the purpose for the purchase. Also please remember that you cannot purchase these in a store as they are exclusively designed to help bring S home.
We thank you very much for your help and are touched by your thoughtfulness.